Saturday, August 3, 2013

Final Project

I collaborated with Melodie Miller and Kate Barton for our final project.  We created a mini-course on Google Apps for Education to help educators learn more about Google Apps and how they can incorporate them into their classroom.  We used a Google Doc to plan our course, then used Google sites to make a website.  I liked collaborating because we each brought different strengths to the project. My school is converting to Google Apps this year, and yesterday, I created a schedule in Google Calendar for the Media Center, and shared it with my language arts teachers.  Last year I made one in Microsoft Publisher, and whenever I had to make a change (several times) I had to email it back out.  I'm really going to like Google Calendar because I can make changes, and teachers will have access to it immediately!


  1. Wow! I love how organized and methodical the course is! I would love to share this with some of my colleagues. I think that lesson 2 (with the videos for each app) is especially successful! Thank you for making this!

  2. Thanks Caroline! Please share it!
